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Lumpy Skin


Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is caused by lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) of genus capripoxvirus belonging to the family Poxviridae. Closely related viruses are Goatpox and Sheepox.

Lumpy skin disease is an epizootic transboundary notifiable disease causing severe economic loss in India.

Known as “ Pseudo-urticaria” , “Neethling virus disease”, “ Exanthema nodularis bovis” , and  “knopvelsiekte”.


Non zoonotic disease and is vector- borne, primarily affecting ruminants like cattle and water buffaloes.

The disease is spreading across more than 15 states in India recently causing huge economic loss.


Direct and indirect means of contact including bites of vectors (mechanical) , transplacental , milk , iatrogenic and contaminated fomites including water and feed.

Disease also spread through AI if contaminated semen if LSD infected bull is used for 42 days of infection. Outbreaks occur more frequently in warm and humid climate, especially during seasonal rains.


High fever (40-41 C)

Drastic reduction in milk yield in lactating cows.

Loss of appetite

Discharge from the eyes and nose

Enlarged (prescapular or pre-femoral) superficial lymph nodes (unilateral or bilateral)

Edema of limbs and other dependent body parts, such as the dewlap, brisket, scrotum and vulva.

The affected animal cannot lie down upto 24-48 hrs due to swelling of joints and edema.

Variable size skin/ cutaneous nodules of 1-5 cm in diameter on almost all parts of the body within 48 hrs of onset of fever.

As disease progresses, the nodules may become necrotic and eventually fibrotic which may persist for several months. Usually, large nodules heal by necrotic process and small nodules may resolve spontaneously without any consequences.

Erosions / ulcers may develop on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nostrils, teats and vulval lips.

The pregnant cows may abort and permanent or temporary infertility in breeding bulls.

Recovery from severe infection may be slow due to emaciation , secondary pneumonia, mastitis and necrotic skin plugs which are subject to fly strike.


Diagnosis is based on : Clinical symptoms

                                          Laboratory test (PCR, ELISA, and virus isolation)

                                          Histopathological examination of skin lesions


Prophylactic vaccination : Currently goat pox vaccine is used in India

Segregation/ isolation of affected animals from healthy animals

Imposing animal movement restrictions

Avoid communal grazing and cattle markets / gatherings

Use of insect nets where ever possible

Regular use of insect repellents or pesticides to control vectors

Practice farm level biosecurity measures

Disinfection or decontamination of animals sheds, surroundings area

Proper disposal of carcass

Slaughter of infected animals


RHUS TOXICODENDRON : Vesicular erysipelas where the vesicles are large.Blisters which will sometimes spread up the limb and are sometimes circular in form. Hardness of skin with thickening. Gangrenous ulcers resulting from small vesicles with violent fever. Swelling of affected parts. Glands swollen. Burning eczematous eruptions with tendency to scale formation.

CALENDULA OFFICINALIS : Erysipelas. Glandular swelling. Promotes favorable cicatrization with least amount of suppuration.

ARSENICUM ALBUM : Itching, swellings , edema. Gangrenous  inflamations. Eruption – popular, dry, rough scaly. Unable to lie down. Hot hard and shining swelling of the affected parts. Great prostration and weakness.

CALCAREA FLOUR : Hard stony glands. Hard elevated edges of ulcer surrounding skin purple and swollen. Swellings or indurated enlargements having their seat in the fasciae and capsular ligaments of joints or in tendons.


Based on outstanding reviews from our satisfied customers over the years our patent Rhustox 12 C  has consistently delivered tremendous results.

DOSAGE :  For prevention : 5 gm twice a day for 5 days

                   For curative : 5 gm twice a day for 10 days

Dr.Ann Mary

BHMS Consultant

Curewell Homoeo Pharmacy Pvt Ltd.
Aluva, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
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