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Theileriosis also known as East coast fever, Red water, Rhodesian tick fever is caused by blood borne protozoan parasite and transmitted via cattle ticks. Theileriosis is characterized by high rise of temperature, anemia and swelling in the lymph node


Exotic cattle of all age groups are highly susceptible to the disease. The adult cross breed shows comparatively mild manifestations than exotic cattle, young indigenous calves are much susceptible


The disease is mainly transmitted by the bite of infected tick of the genus Hyaloma, the parasite responsible are T.annulata,T.parva, T.mutans, Other modes of transmission include blood transfusion ,contaminated surgical instrument ,direct contact with infected animal


High rise of temperature 104.9℉-107℉

Enlargement of draining lymph nodes ,usually parotid

Increase in heart and respiratory rate

Anorexia, restlessness and rough coat

Tense eye balls with watery lachrymation

Labored respiration, nasal discharge and coughing

Depression and petechial hemorrhage on conjunctiva

Anaemia with coffee coloured urine in later stages

Bilirubinuria and jaundice in some cases

Urticarial type skin lesions

Weakness, prostration and later death

Animal make circling movements and abduction of hind limb


Diagnosis is based on the clinical and laboratory findings


Control of tick population is necessary, systemic application of insecticide and rotational grazing may minimize the tick population, Exotic and crossbreed cows should be kept in tick free shed as far as possible, avoid nutritional stress.


Few remedies include

Arsenicum Album: anemia, weakness, restlessness, difficulty in breathing gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition, increased lachrymation, thin watery nasal discharge.

Phosphoric Acid: marked debility, difficulty in respiration, tearing pain in joints and bones, low grade fever with dullness and stupor, watery white involuntary diarrhea

China Officinalis: debility from exhausting discharges, loss of body fluids, yellowish sclera, watery coryza, jaundice, stools are watery undigested frothy yellow stools, pain in limbs and joints, labored slow respiration, intermittent fever, pain in limbs and joints.

Crotalus Horridus: general disorganization of blood, hemorrhages and jaundice, yellow fever, malignant fever of hemorrhagic character swelling and yellow discoloration of skin, purpura hemorrhagica, dark blood urine, extremities swollen and weak, right sided paralysis

Phosphorus: weight loss due to loss of fluids, restlessness, edema of eye lids, catarrh, paleness ,swelling and necrosis of lower jaw,jaundice, anemia ,debilitating diarrhea, involuntary stools with much mucus .


China 12C and Acid Phos 12C

China 12C

China 12C serves effectively as curative and preventive for theileriosis


For prevention:5gram twice a day for 5 days

For curative :5gram twice a day for 10 days

Acid Phos 12C

In advanced cases of theileriosis acid phos patent acts tremendously

For curative :5gram twice a day for 10 days

Dr.Athira R B

BHMS Consultant

Curewell Homoeo Pharmacy Pvt Ltd.
Aluva, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

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